• Question: Did you go to university did that help you to be a scientist and what did you have to study?

    Asked by Izzfizz21 to Thomas, Sanjib, Donna, Avril, Abid on 12 Jun 2017. This question was also asked by DanM2.
    • Photo: Donna Johnson

      Donna Johnson answered on 12 Jun 2017:

      Yes, i went to university to do a degree and then after to do a PhD. I studied genetics and molecular biology, lots of stuff about general biology and DNA etc. It definitely helped me to be a scientist. As well as the theory there’s a lot of other skills i learnt that are helpful – writing reports, analysing data, managing my time and organising myself.

    • Photo: Thomas Booth

      Thomas Booth answered on 12 Jun 2017:


      I think it is very difficult to be a scientist without a university degree. I studied biology, but other sciences or maths/ computer science are all valid ways into the field!

    • Photo: Avril Tucker

      Avril Tucker answered on 12 Jun 2017:

      Yes, I went to university to study pharmacy. The work I do is about antibiotics so I really needed that qualification to get my current job. It depends what type of scientist you wish to be but all types will need some form of formal training. It’s worth it in the end!
