• Question: Do you think finding any source of drug resistance will involve going to outer space?

    Asked by 232drgj52 to Abid, Donna, Sanjib, Thomas, Avril on 20 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Donna Johnson

      Donna Johnson answered on 20 Jun 2017:

      One of the experiments in space – https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/983.html

      They’ve been looking at the development of resistance for the health of astronauts. They saw more mutations and faster development of resistance so we could use that information to inform what we know about how resistance develops.

    • Photo: Thomas Booth

      Thomas Booth answered on 21 Jun 2017:

      Also, astrobiology! Alien life in distant parts of our solar system (most likely single celled organisms) may have completely different biology. If they exist and we find them it would advance our understanding of biology and biochemistry significantly!
