• Question: If your a scientist do you know much abut being a doctor? Because if you do what are the main things you have to know or study to become one?

    Asked by Ronnie to Abid, Donna, Sanjib, Thomas, Avril on 9 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Avril Tucker

      Avril Tucker answered on 9 Jun 2017:

      I thought about going back to uni after becoming a pharmacist to do medicine. I changed my mind as I actually really like pharmacy. I have since done my non-medical independent prescriber qualification which allows me to hold clinics and write prescriptions for antibiotics… or not as the case may be.
      To answer your question, you need to get good grades & work experience! Don’t forget the work experience! This will show your medical school that you are serious about becoming a doctor.

    • Photo: Donna Johnson

      Donna Johnson answered on 10 Jun 2017:

      I don’t really know anything about being a medical doctor apart from they have to deal with a lot of sick people! I imagine that it can be hard work but rewarding.
