• Question: What was university like?

    Asked by That guy to Abid, Donna, Sanjib, Thomas, Avril on 15 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Donna Johnson

      Donna Johnson answered on 15 Jun 2017:

      I really enjoyed it, though i wish i had moved away from home to go. I got to meet some people i’m still friends with and learnt a lot about a subject i like. It teaches you about how to manage time and money as well as the subject stuff.

    • Photo: Avril Tucker

      Avril Tucker answered on 15 Jun 2017:

      Awesome! I loved it. I went to Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen. I moved away from home & lived in student accommodation. It was so much fun. I learned much more than how to be a pharmacist. I also learned how to survive on a budget, how to prioritise my time and so much stuff about myself! 🙂
