• Question: will you ever work on micro bots to cure deseases

    Asked by 752drgj43 to Abid, Thomas, Sanjib, Donna, Avril on 9 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Avril Tucker

      Avril Tucker answered on 9 Jun 2017:

      Have you been watching Big Hero 6?!?! Love that film!
      To answer your question- probably not BUT there is work going on which is trying to use virus type things (called phages) to kill bacteria! I think that is pretty cool!

    • Photo: Thomas Booth

      Thomas Booth answered on 10 Jun 2017:

      Nano-bots – cool! We are a long way from this kind of development, but with improvements in 3D-printing who knows what is possible!

    • Photo: Donna Johnson

      Donna Johnson answered on 10 Jun 2017:

      I don’t think so, it’s a pretty cool concept though. I have a colleague that works on using nanoparticles for drug delivery which is about as close as i’m probably going to get.
